
this blog is a chronicle of me and my 2 daughters - elise and eliza. why did i choose "e-cube"? cos their father's name is exxxx! so exxxx, elise and eliza = e-cube! so clever! it is about my experience .... as a father, guardian, counsellor to my girls. their mommy is the most beautiful angel with strength of heart and character to boot...but this is about ME - the daddy!

Location: Singapore

Saturday, July 16, 2005


in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen

today was NOT GOOD! didnt want to come to work as i was so damn sick and tired of the crap dished out by the CEO .... but remembered i had appts fixed and i need to be professional and prompt in my work and still dragged myself to the office.

i believe that reputation and integrity are the 2 most important currencies in the market and no job (not even this one) is worth far more than what i believe in...

thing was...the CEO's PA called me from HK when i was in the office to ask me about updating the CEO and i just lost me head and told her to buzz off and stop giving me grief... and in the next instance, i apologised to her as it was not her fault and told her the updates.

told her that i am at the end of the tether and i do not know if this crap is worth it but she told me to hang in there and that things will be better once the strategy has been executed.

i told her i am busting my guts for the CEO to ensure this is done but it doesnt seem to be enough so if that is the case, he can fire me and go find someone else to do the job... if that is the case....she got the MD on the line and we had a long conf call over this and the MD and PA were both telling me to keep cool about the whole situation and keep at it...

i told them ok and that i will sort this out myself and think things through ...as i also needed to go as i had meetings to go to.

funny thing was after my appt, i decided to walk to the office and i realised that this job may be a test and lesson.... of what NOT to be when you are in upper management, of how to behave with staff, of treating staff with respect, of being honest and leading by examples.... all these came flooding into my mind as i was making my way back to the office .... but the biggest lesson that i learnt was to never become emotional.

i realised what mommy had said ... that i have calmed down a lot since i started on this job, i dont lose my temper as easily, i hold my tongue more and i dont rant and rave as easily (although this happened last nite and today!)

as pogo wisely counselled... look at the big picture!

maybe this is a test God has sent me to mould and change me... and i should just endure ...so as to become rational and sane in the face of extreme adversity and provocation so that maybe...just maybe.. when the time comes when the big picture falls into place, i am ready to face the more difficult challenges and tasks ahead. this job is just a taste of what is to come.....

after rationalising this through on my walk.... i stepped into the office feeling much better and clearer in thought and mind.

heck its the weekend anyway so WTF.... it's time with my precious mommy, elise and eliza!

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen


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