
this blog is a chronicle of me and my 2 daughters - elise and eliza. why did i choose "e-cube"? cos their father's name is exxxx! so exxxx, elise and eliza = e-cube! so clever! it is about my experience .... as a father, guardian, counsellor to my girls. their mommy is the most beautiful angel with strength of heart and character to boot...but this is about ME - the daddy!

Location: Singapore

Monday, July 04, 2005

Must-share Incident.....

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen

this happened when elise was 3+ ...

elise was seated next to me in her baby seat while mommy was seated behind ....i was driving along hougang ave 10 when suddenly, an old man dashed across the street and i had to jam my brakes. i uttered the F word softly under my breath when elise suddenly pointed to the old man and said "daddy...f!#ker, f!#ker" i was stunned ... but at the same time wanted to laugh as it was so hilarious coming from a 3-year old's mouth!

mommy didn't see the funny side of things... in fact, she was absolutely livid and began ranting at me going "you see lah, you see what you have done..... such words coming out of elise's mouth". man.... i was trying to keep from roaring with laughter as well as continue driving..

i then shot myself in the foot by saying to mommy "no leh ... i have never used that word, ..maybe the shorter version ...but never this word so don't know where elise learnt it from....." and mommy was like "shorter version??!!" ....

i thought keeping my mouth shut for the rest of the journer home would be the wisest thing to do...

once i reached home, i had a chat with elise:
me: "darling, you know the word you used just now?"
elise: "yes?"
me:" you know...."f!#ker"? .. that is not a nice word so don't use it ok?
elise: "ok"
me: "...at least not when mommy's around ... as there are some major f!#kers around!"


in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen


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