
this blog is a chronicle of me and my 2 daughters - elise and eliza. why did i choose "e-cube"? cos their father's name is exxxx! so exxxx, elise and eliza = e-cube! so clever! it is about my experience .... as a father, guardian, counsellor to my girls. their mommy is the most beautiful angel with strength of heart and character to boot...but this is about ME - the daddy!

Location: Singapore

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Simon of St Anne

in nomine patri, et filli, et spiritui sancto, amen

a funny thing happened while i was at Mass with the family....

elise was climbing all over me when she started whispering excitedly "daddy...simon, daddy...simon". i was like "who? what? simon?" but she continued in a very excited hushed tone "daddy...simon, daddy...simon" then i asked her "where?' and she said "behind you..."

i turned around and i saw zachary mozelle .. the guy that plays "simon" on the artscentral program "looking for nathaniel" (i think!) ....the one who is the goofy janitor?

i almost burst out laughing but mommy gave me a dirty look as fr peter was preaching and i had to control myself as tears ran down my eyes from laughing soooo hard...

just like Jesus, i found "simon"! hehehe

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen


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