
this blog is a chronicle of me and my 2 daughters - elise and eliza. why did i choose "e-cube"? cos their father's name is exxxx! so exxxx, elise and eliza = e-cube! so clever! it is about my experience .... as a father, guardian, counsellor to my girls. their mommy is the most beautiful angel with strength of heart and character to boot...but this is about ME - the daddy!

Location: Singapore

Friday, July 08, 2005

Death... and Family

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen

was on the way to work this morning when we were behind this lorry... and one of the workers had a shirt "XXXXXX Pte Ltd" and mommy remarked that the boss of this company is a client of LT. the boss had cancer - and it was at an advanced stage before he found out - and passed away recently.

this led to me asking mommy "this reminds me... i better make a will. 25% to me parents, if they are still on God's green earth, and 75% to her, else she gets the lot". then the following conversation took place:
me: "let's say if i get cancer and i go .. do you know what to do?"
mommy: "no"
me: "whaddya mean no? take the money and then go find another guy"
mommy :"...."
me: "you got to be practical man... life throws you a curve ball and you just gotta learnt to handle it"
mommy: "....."
me: "this reminds me... i just asked for an insurance quotation for eliza for $XXXX and this is the premium that will cost me"
mommy: "WHAT?! ... so much?!"
me: "yeah ..."
mommy: "why you need to pay so much for?"
me: "cos its for her education later"
mommy: "even elise is not so much ... you really don't know how to save!"

somehow, that last remark really got me off my rockers and i ranted and raved at mommy:

"whaddya mean "don't know how to save?" i am doing what i am doing precisely because i wanna make sure elise and eliza will have enough to carry on with life....if i am not around!"

"i am a ticking time bomb because of my health situation and hey, i accept my lot and that is why i am busting my guts and work my ass off to earn as much as i can, in the shortest possible period!"

"that is why i take risks, with money, with ventures, with investments....and for what? so that you guys are comfortable when i am gone"

"life has thrown me a curve ball and i am whacking it back!"

we didn't finish the conversation as we pulled up to mommy's office and i dropped her off. i was so damn pissed off that we didn't even say anything to each other.

maybe that's why i am happily married...cos the first thing i do when i reached the office was to IM mommy and apologise to her for my outburst...and mommy said sorry too... and we both agreed that our big picture was elise and eliza. we'll consider the insurance/education plan for both of them together

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto, amen


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