
this blog is a chronicle of me and my 2 daughters - elise and eliza. why did i choose "e-cube"? cos their father's name is exxxx! so exxxx, elise and eliza = e-cube! so clever! it is about my experience .... as a father, guardian, counsellor to my girls. their mommy is the most beautiful angel with strength of heart and character to boot...but this is about ME - the daddy!

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My Job

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto amen

i know this blog is about me kids and family but somehow my job has made me for better or worse a different person.

the wife says that my tolerance level is much higher nowadays but conversely my temper is getting shorter and shorter

also, it is a test to detach myself from work when i come home as i always believe that it is never fair to lash out or suffer the kids what transpired in the office for the day.

i must admit that the constant pressing by the ceo has made me more precise and analytical in my analysis of issues and problems that confront me. also, i believe my email writing skills have improved tremendously in the 10 months that i have been in my job.

of course you must improve as you are dealing with a ceo that loves/adores/worships emails! there is a joke that he shared with me that if he does not have access to his emails for more than 2 hours, he goes into a withdrawal symptom!... mama mia santa lucia!

so i have learnt, and i am still learning, about human beings and the wonder of human relationships and dynamics.

like i shared with the ceo over kopi, you can't fully put your faith in people; neither can you lose all hope in them - the secret is in having balance.

i have learnt that this balance is the key in making people continue to have faith or becoming cynical.

in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto amen


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