Its Been A While!
in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto amen
its BEEN a while since me last post.... that's an understatement! lots have happened since.
chief amongst which is that YES! i am no longer with THAT company! yippee doodah yippidee last day was 14 April but unofficially, i left in mid-March thanks to the leave accumulated. i had to keep my word the MD tho' who spoke to me on behalf of the ceo as they were going through a crucial period in fundraising and didnt want my departure to affect the efforts so i said ok.
so when new funds were injected finally, i had an "honorable" mention from the ceo to all the staff abt me wanting to be me own boss etc etc ....all the blah x 3 and yada x 3...and that is why i walked. who give's a rat's ass to this "glorious" testimonial? its only meant to be a piece in his political game...but for me william wallace as i yell....FRRRREEEEDDDOOOOM!
one thing i missed tho' is my staff and colleagues, whom i love dearly, and whom i still keep in touch and have kopi with them...with the occasional advice abt how to continue surviving in the gawd-awful environment.
i was at my tethers and at the rate it was going, either i will punch the ceo and land up in jail for assault - and mrbrown has a catchphrase..."prison got no broadband" - or i insult him and he sues me, which i may still end up in prison cos got no money to pay...and "prison got no broadband".
funny thing was i had a call from his lawyer recently about some matters and he was surprised - and yet not really surprised - that i had walked. he told me that when i am around his office, i shld drop him a line and we'll do a cuppa and reminisce abt things....
so what am i doing now? i am back doing IT with a very trusted friend whom i hv known since my career started in media and he was a media executive - a friendship that has spanned 13 years. i will publish a post on this chap later.
but anyway, i understood the yoke the The Lord was referring to when i finally left the company and i felt a huge shackle being released.
in fact, the funny thing was when i started almost immediately in this venture, elise asked me as i was putting on me shoes
" are not going to work today?"
"of course i am dear...i am going to work"
"then how come you are not wearing a white shirt with cufflinks"
i smiled and replied..."cos i am no longer working for the ass of a ceo"
"you mean you are no longer working with XXX"
i said "yes baby... and i am now working with YYY"
"do you prefer daddy to work with XXX or YYY?"
and her reply was emphatic "of course YYY"
"of course you will say YYY cos you have met him.....but you have not met XXX so how can you say YYY is better?"
"i just dun like XXX" replied elise.
ah... the intuition of kids!
there is more to come......
in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto amen
its BEEN a while since me last post.... that's an understatement! lots have happened since.
chief amongst which is that YES! i am no longer with THAT company! yippee doodah yippidee last day was 14 April but unofficially, i left in mid-March thanks to the leave accumulated. i had to keep my word the MD tho' who spoke to me on behalf of the ceo as they were going through a crucial period in fundraising and didnt want my departure to affect the efforts so i said ok.
so when new funds were injected finally, i had an "honorable" mention from the ceo to all the staff abt me wanting to be me own boss etc etc ....all the blah x 3 and yada x 3...and that is why i walked. who give's a rat's ass to this "glorious" testimonial? its only meant to be a piece in his political game...but for me william wallace as i yell....FRRRREEEEDDDOOOOM!
one thing i missed tho' is my staff and colleagues, whom i love dearly, and whom i still keep in touch and have kopi with them...with the occasional advice abt how to continue surviving in the gawd-awful environment.
i was at my tethers and at the rate it was going, either i will punch the ceo and land up in jail for assault - and mrbrown has a catchphrase..."prison got no broadband" - or i insult him and he sues me, which i may still end up in prison cos got no money to pay...and "prison got no broadband".
funny thing was i had a call from his lawyer recently about some matters and he was surprised - and yet not really surprised - that i had walked. he told me that when i am around his office, i shld drop him a line and we'll do a cuppa and reminisce abt things....
so what am i doing now? i am back doing IT with a very trusted friend whom i hv known since my career started in media and he was a media executive - a friendship that has spanned 13 years. i will publish a post on this chap later.
but anyway, i understood the yoke the The Lord was referring to when i finally left the company and i felt a huge shackle being released.
in fact, the funny thing was when i started almost immediately in this venture, elise asked me as i was putting on me shoes
" are not going to work today?"
"of course i am dear...i am going to work"
"then how come you are not wearing a white shirt with cufflinks"
i smiled and replied..."cos i am no longer working for the ass of a ceo"
"you mean you are no longer working with XXX"
i said "yes baby... and i am now working with YYY"
"do you prefer daddy to work with XXX or YYY?"
and her reply was emphatic "of course YYY"
"of course you will say YYY cos you have met him.....but you have not met XXX so how can you say YYY is better?"
"i just dun like XXX" replied elise.
ah... the intuition of kids!
there is more to come......
in nomine patri, et filii, et spiritui sancto amen